Stage three: Consents

Once you have signed the Master Build Contract, we will engage our specialists to pull together all the documentation to lodge a building consent application. This includes the structural engineer, a geotechnical engineer and the architect to further flesh out the plans until they're detailed down to the last sheet of gib!

In some cases you may also need a resource consent, which we would obtain prior to work starting on the building consent application.

This is an important but boring part of the project. It involves a lot of paper work and back and forwardsing over minor details. However, getting this part of the project right often ensures less delay once the application is lodged with Council, who often relish even more back and forwardsing.

We will touch base with you often during this time to provide updates and work through any questions you may have.

This portion of the project is included in your fixed price contract. If a resource consent is required as well as the building consent this will also be included in your fixed price contract.

Once the consents are approved by Council, we get to the best part of all…

Nuline Homes